Advertising can be a satisfying domain in which to work. It’s creative, interesting, challenging and, more often than not – pretty amusing. One gets to hobnob with actors, voice talent, musicians, writers, directors, editors, and other peculiar and charismatic personalities and get paid for it.
Any and all references here to the “1st profession” are completely valid.
So, if you work in this medium long enough, its not uncommon to feel like all you might be doing is mixing an extra layer of noise onto societies backing track; a broad stroke of sheen and glitz with little lyricism or depth – Brittany Spears in microcosm.
Thankfully, there are occasions where all is rewarded. Such was the case this past week when we worked on some meaningful radio spots for the Greater Twin Cities United Way.
Reid Holmes, the writer from Campbell Mithun, penned scripts that voiced a simple fact; just donating a few ducats to United Way can have far-reaching effects. So, as these radio ads lay out, even the laziest of folks can show they’ve done something to aid life’s greater causes. Lynda Crotty, the producer and a gifted writer in her own right, tossed in her edgy instincts to the production and casting which added to the final mixes.
For voice talent, we primarily went outside the Twin Cities and did a digipatch via ISDN with John Chominsky’s Atlantis Group Recording in Santa Monica, CA. This was a no-brainer as his facility is known for its community work. He quickly added his presence by unearthing, in no particular order, a bag of carrots (don’t ask), a boundary mic (likewise), and a well of patience that got all three spots in the can and produced in a timely fashion.
For this radio campaign, the spot “Dozer” might be the strongest. Stefan Marks, Tommy Smeltzer, and Twin Cities Playwright Patrick Coyle were asked to give the feel of a stodgy boardroom scene. Though, in this case, “bored-room” would be most accurate. Poor Patrick popped into Studio A here at Babble-On just to snore in the background.
Nevertheless, the spot is no snooze. And the resource line that the ad touts, 2-1-1 Minnesota, is a creative and smart solution for those who might not know where to turn when times get tough.
Hey, all that, and we all had fun getting it done.
Here’s “Dozer”…
Other talent involved in the project were Joe Mortimer, Salli Saffioti, and Melanie Chartoff of CED and Roger Scott of SBV.
Stefan Marks is listed with CED, Tommy Smelzer with ICM, and Patrick Coyle can be found locally through Wehmann Models and talent, inc.