Tim Russell records at Babble-OnWith all the hype about the new Star Wars movie, Revenge Of The Sith, we thought we’d chime in by sharing some related stuff that we’ve done. Sure, its got none of the buzz, bucks, or cachet of the real deal but y’know, it also doesn’t have this crap. I’d say The Force is with us.

Tim Russell was hired to portray “Dark Lord Insect” in a radio ad for Syngenta Crop Protection. Of course, his character needed to sound like a mite sized version of Darth Vader – complete with helmet and breathing apparatus.

In order to get that “In the helmet” sound, we recorded Tim’s voice-over using a Sennheiser 416 that we modified with, of all things, a CD stack cover with a hole cut into the bottom of it. We had other ideas, but Tim refused the one we thought was the coolest. Dunno why. Looked kinda comfy to us.

In the photo, at left, you can see Tim, as well as the console tape used to hold the CD cover onto the mic – we spare no expense here at Babble-On.

Once we started posting the track we pitch shifted Tim’s voice, added some flange and finished with a weird delay. We thought of adding Tom Delay but that would have sounded truly evil.

Other folks who were involved in the production were Greg Berger, J.C. Cutler, John Wehrman and Jeff Gadbois. Here’s the spot…

[jwplayer config=”Audio Only” mediaid=”1536″]

Tim is also the Entertainment Director for WCCO where he does live reports weekday mornings from 5 to 9. Part of that gig involves some travel, so from the 19th through the 22nd of April he’ll be covering the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. Aside from everything else Tim does, you can hear him on “A Prairie Home Companion”, see Minneapolis voice-over talent, Tim Russell’s website or book him through his Twin Cities agent, Wehmann Models & Talent, Inc.

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