Janis Amatuzio Recording StudioWe just passed two intriguing days in studio with Janis Amatuzio, acclaimed medical doctor, author, and founder of Midwest Forensic Pathology. She was recording the voice-over for her book “Forever Ours: Real Stories of Immortality and Living from a Forensic Pathologist”.

This is an interesting collection of stories from her extensive experience as a coroner for multiple counties in Minnesota. The book, and the audio version of it, presents cases which detail the processes and mysteries surrounding death and dying as well as the associated experiences of the living.

Light reading, it is not. Essential reading, it might be. Very moving.

The audio book is a production from New World Library and we had the pleasure of having Editorial Director Georgia Hughes with us for the two-day recording session handled by John Lukas in studio B.

You should be able purchase a copy of this audio book from New World Library’s website sometime in late Summer 2005