JC Cutler at Babble-OnMinneapolis voice-over talent J.C. Cutler popped in to Babble-On’s Studio C recently to record a VO for an Avicta TV spot we were working on. Prior to heading into the recording session J.C. shared a few anecdotes about his work on the Warner Brothers film North Country with Charlize Theron that just hit the theaters.

JC says that Theron gives yet another academy award-winning performance, and he credits the director, Niki Caro (acclaimed Director of Whale Rider) for her adeptness at being able to tell real stories, about real people, without “rushing” through them.

Minneapolis actor and voice-over talent JC Cutler at Babble-On.

J.C. isn’t the only Minneapolis actor with a role in this film either. Sally Wingert, Gus Lynch, Catherine Campion, Catherine Ferrand, Raye Birk, Sage Coy, Jim Cada, Bruce Bohne, and Chris Mulckey all got screen time too.

We’re lucky to have these folks in the recording studio fairly often at Babble-On. Jim Cada was in recently working on Metro Sales radio ads for Carmichael Lynch. We’ve seen Sally Wingert fairly frequently for Marshall Fields and Gus Lynch added some really nice touches to a Minnesota State Lottery radio spot we mentioned in our April Babble-Blog.

North Country is the story of a single mother working in the iron mines “on da range” in northern Minnesota at a time when many women didn’t have those kinds of jobs – and very few people wanted them to.

An important movie with powerful social messages, we’re glad to see film work like this coming back in to the Twin Cities. Its our hope that with the movie’s success the Minneapolis acting pool will get more of the exposure we feel it deserves.