Just another Tom, Dick or Harry Podder? - Good audio production can help
This past week author J.K. Rowling released her 6th book in the now illustrious Harry Potter series called, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." It's yet another compelling entry in this continuing saga about a young wizard's adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. HarryPodder1
These books are memorable due to great story-telling and extraordinary detail. In short, with Harry, one experiences interesting people and situations which, (surprise), makes for an interesting way to pass the time.

About a week previous to the latest Potter release,
Apple came out with a new version of iTunes which includes access to thousands of podcasts. If you're unaware of what a podcast is, there's a great definition of it here. As a quick explanation, however, its a "Radio Show" that you can subscribe to and listen to at your own leisure on an iPod or other MP3 player. Podcasts, in current parlance, are the latest example of "time-shifted media" - like TiVo, but for audio. If your over forty, think of it as a "digital audio VCR" that never blinks 12:00, 12:00, 12:00.

The confluence of these two events is in and of itself a peculiar twist. With the latest Potter you're guaranteed an engaging and mysterious adventure that's sure to envelope you for hours. Podcasts are a separate mystery - finding ones that are good, original, well recorded, edited and produced is its own adventure. It can take some time to find one you like that doesn't sound like an amateur radio hour. This is understandable as, with any new medium, there are bumps and bruises along the way.

I've been combing through the many shows iTunes has available and, not too surprisingly, the shows that are the most cogent and well produced are those that come from major networks who are repackaging their material. There are plenty of quirky, bizarre and informative shows too, covering a wide range of topics, but (in general) their lack of production value and show structure makes them less easy to follow or listen to on a regular basis. The fact that, quite literally, anybody with a laptop computer and a cheap microphone can make a podcast is part of the charm and flaw of this medium. Its kinda like dancing - sure,
anyone can wag the dog - but busting a move for the masses is a different deal.

As an advertising tool, podcasting could be a huge benefit for those advertisers looking to reach a highly mobile audience that is technically savvy, engaged, and used to having things tailored to their tastes. If its anything like the ring-tone phenomenon there's a real chance to build brand relationships here.

How? Here are a few ideas that come to mind...

Let's say you have a client who makes fishing gear. Why not professionally record and create a series of half hour shows with a fishing expert who's out on the water explaining and demonstrating how to use one of the products? Post the podcasts on your clients website and, with a valid receipt or serial number, they can go to the site and download the mp3 file. When a fisherman heads off to the lake, he can listen to that show in the car or in the boat. Beats a manual. Sexier than a .PDF file. And, with no broadcast media to buy, cheaper to produce. What's more, this doesn't have to be a weekly or monthly thing. Plus, it doesn't have to be listed in the iTunes library as entertainment for the masses if you don't want it to be.

Maybe you've got a Pizza client. Pizza is a party food. Your pizza company could strike a deal with unsigned bands in their areas. Simply head into the recording studio to assemble an hour long podcast with music, mixed with local comedians and/or celebrities that they can download with a receipt of some type. Embed your own :15 or :30 second radio spot inside the podcast. Better yet, get other people to advertise inside of it.

Perhaps you've got a client who's message isn't easily shared within the confines of a 30 or 60 second radio or TV ad - maybe a medical device creator. If the product or procedure has gone through successful human trials your client will have some wonderful stories to tell through the patients they've helped. A show that would cover interviews with doctors, nurses, and patients could be very powerful for those who might be considering a procedure using that technology or device. Do the interviews in interesting locations with studio narration and music. Create a print ad with directions to the url of the podcast. It might be a unique way to get potential customers linked in.

This medium might also well be used to benefit traditional radio advertising. Now that
Clear Channel has executed its Less Is More campaign, which pushes :30 second radio ads instead of :60 radio spots, you've got less time to share your message. You could steal a page from the film industry and have a radio spot that draws you in for the first :25 seconds, and then goes silent for :02. The last three seconds is the web address of where to get "...the rest of the story" Or, if your radio ads have been buried in offers or legal copy, create a radio spot that talks about the value of your brand. Tell listeners they can get more by going to your website. Find an engaging host or hostess to chair a podcast that talks about those products in a way that isn't just prattling price points and your sale has a bit more caché.

The linchpin for any and all of this is that, like the Potter series, if you're going to create something memorable, make sure its crisply written, edited, and produced for your specific audience. Even though I must admit there's something cool about the indy aspect of lo-fi, lo-tech, in-your-face production from ones basement, its unlikely that particular style will work for most who wish to burnish their brand, or who wish to be taken seriously.

Podcasting might not ever be as magical as J.K.Rowlings series of books but, as the latest chapter in "time-shifted media" I'm betting that it'll at least be a surprising adventure... and a pretty good listen.

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Thinking Independently...
Herd-7Nope, despite all apperances, the BabbleBlog hasn't disappeared, been sent off to Gitmo, or gone on holiday. Though, I gotta say that after how busy the recording studio has been of late - some R&R might be in the offing this July.

Its a unique month because July, more than most months, screams of Independence - Americans celebrate with fireworks on the 4th, France cuts loose on the 14th, while Canada and The Bahamas claim their freedom from British rule on the 1st and the 10th, respectively.
Herd mentality; not exactly the way to approach your career

Hmm, you could basically burn through the first half of the month just hanging out, carousing and claiming to be free from somebody who was once your oppressor.

Cool. That's a party. Pass the flag.

July is also the month when many recent graduates get serious about their careers and start sending out resumés in an effort to start their own life of freedom from Mom, Dad, or roommates strung out on peanut-butter and
Grand Theft Auto. I receive many resumés from students who've just left the classrooms of The Institute of Production and Recording, McNally Smith College Of Music, and Full Sail who would love to get into the recording industry. Typically they come from people who are young, excited and filled with interesting ideas. I love that.

Equally typical is that they are, sad to say, poorly written, poorly executed, misguided or fail to have a cover letter. I don't get that.

As a potential employer I would encourage you to approach any job search in the same way you might look to get a date. Skip the flowers and innuendo (though I'd be flattered) and politely explain to me in a cover letter why my studio is of interest to you and why you might be a good fit. A resumé sent with no cover letter which has as its most prominent feature "Pro Tools Certified" is a bit like saying "Anatomically Correct - Ready for Marriage". Flowers and come-on lines might actually be better.

A well written cover letter shows that you want to speak to an employer and engage in a dialogue. This is smart. It also proves that you can write and communicate - especially if you avoid salutations like, "Dude" or "Dear, Dude". An even better cover letter is one that would show that you've spent some time looking at the company's website to learn what they do, how they do it, and with whom they work. That's a resumé that gets noticed and not just filed away like so many others. You might even get a call.

This process, though time consuming, is a benefit to you in other ways. You may very well note while looking at a website, like ours for instance, that we don't record bands. Never have. Probably never will. If you love to record bands and that's what makes you tick, we're probably not going to be the best fit for you and your long term goals. And your long term goals are as important to me as they are to you. I would encourage you to find that which brings you the most joy in this field. When you're doing what you love to do, money and time don't ever seem to be an issue. When you're just "working a job" its all you can focus on. If working at my place were to be "just a job" for you, we'd be wasting each others time.

Something else to realize is that while the recording studio business is loaded down with technology, cool knobs, and bouncing lights it is, first and foremost, a people business. Being adaptable, flexible, creative and open to ideas and situations is of more value to an employer than simply being "Pro Tools Certified" or "MIDI conversant". Our clients come to work with us because of the atmosphere we provide and our ability to help them with what they wish to create; sound-design for an award winning radio spot, mixes for a TV campaign, editing of a podcast, or simply doing an
ISDN voice-over recording session.

And, yes, while all that does require a certain amount of technical savvy, mostly it requires the ability to do something that anyone in this business is supposed to do well.

Listen carefully...and not just to the monitors.

So, if you really want to work at a recording studio, focus on those aspects of recording that really connect with you deeply, and then think and act independently from those who are, quite literally, just e-mailing it in. Dude.

Trust me, it will set you apart from the herd.