Babblings 250 wide10-29-07 – “Attention Fellow Award Sluts” – Well, although our local Ad Awards show (cleverly called “The Show” – see entry below) just wrapped up the other week, we would be remiss not to remind you about a few things going on with one of our favorite shows, – The Radio Mercury Awards.

We’ve been first round judges here for the past four years and have enjoyed the chance to preview the work before it goes past the hallowed fire hydrants of the panel’s top dogs.

If you’re looking to get your own CD containing 84, yes 84, of 2007’s most brilliant radio ads – hang tight, it’ll be sent to you within a few weeks – but, only if you were one of the throngs of wannabes who entered your best radio spots into this cage match of ad contests.

If you didn’t enter, but still want to hear some great radio chops, just call the folks at the Mercury’s and see if you can wheedle one out of them – 212-681-7207.

Another radiocentric event that the Mercury’s are into is the upcoming Pirate New York Creative Radio Seminar. If you’re interested, you’ll get to hear Terry O’Reilly, the award winning writer, director, and partner at Pirate New York as he lays out a half-day Creative Radio Seminar at – (man, do we love the twisted irony in this) – the Art Directors Club (you can’t make this stuff up) on November 7th. If you want to go, give a call to 212.253.2920

Jesse-Kuntz10-29-07 – From the “we’re a bit bummed for us, but happy for him” department, we’d like to wish safe travels and good luck to Jesse Kuntz, who’s been darkening our door over the past few years doing voice-over work on a variety of radio ads and assorted projects that would be too numerous to mention.

Jesse got the chance to get into the Chicago market and decided that the “2nd City” would become his first home for awhile. Even with this move though, he’ll still partially be here as he’ll stay involved with The Actors Theater Of Minnesota and their production of “A Christmas Carol”. Plus he’ll maintain his local representation through N.U.T.S and Wehmann Models and Talent – so, if you need’em, we can always get him for you with an ISDN Digital Patch or Source-Connect voice-over session. Best of luck, Jesse.

10-24-07 – Sometimes it’s not what you say….it’s how you say it – or, in the case of these particular advertising faux pas – where and when you say it.

The article to which we’ve linked is an insightful blog entry on effective copywriting that, literally, puts contextual advertising (sorry ’bout this one) – in proper context. The photos seem rather improbable – but, even if it’s just masterful PhotoShop work – it makes some great and poignant observations about coincidence.

Many thanks to Steve Hendrickson from LipserviceTalent Agency for passing this along to us.

MarkC+Jlu10-18-07 In this day ‘n age when it’s become so easy to just iChat your cube mate who’s 7.2 feet away, it’s nice to get in some real face time with people whom we know quite well – but never meet. On a weekly basis we do an ISDN digital patch with Nova Productions in L.A. to record Mark Comstock , the voice-over talent for biggs, a Cincinnati grocery chain. We’ve “known” Mark for awhile, but had never met him – welcome to the 21st century. Mark was in town to catch up with his parents who live nearby in downtown Minneapolis so he popped on in to Babble-On Recording to say hi and hang with John Lukas for a bit.

10-17-07 The big news this week, of course, is that Amelia is back from her trip to New York and Israel – so please stop by for all the fun buzz and great stories she has to tell. “L’Chaim”

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10-15-07 Every now and again a mainstream publication prints up a nugget regarding the recording and sound-design business. Most are pretty dull, but this month, there’s a pretty funny and insightful article in Wired Magazine that covers the history of a particular scream sound effect that we’ve all heard a million times. There are a few telling examples on the site. It being the month of Halloween, you’ll appreciate the particular effect.

10-12-07 Actor and Minnesota native Vincent Kartheiser paid us a visit a few weeks ago to record some ADR for an episode of the AMC original TV series “Mad Men”. If you’ve not seen the show, it’s a primetime drama about the cutthroat world that was Madison Avenue in 1960. Vincent plays Pete Campbell, a rising, young account executive (really, are there any other types?) We’re hoping to see more of Vincent as the show has done very well to date. The episode we worked on here at Babble-On Recording was called “Indian Summer”.